Final draft: Short film

This was my last draft for my documentary which lasted 5 minutes 46 seconds. I included more transitions, colour correcting (desaturation and saturation) to make the documentary appear more cinematic. I had a few difficulties when shooting more actors (rather than two which was in my second cut) however I overcame them through my adapted editing skills and professionalism when using the camera for reshoots and allowed the documentary to remain unbiased and diverse.



Second draft: Film poster

After analysing the first draft of my film poster I realised I wasn’t being creative nor conventional. After experimenting with the positioning of my text and image I decided to go with a layout which I was happy with. However I’ve taken my main image from Google so for now I will keep it to get a better vision of the final draft.

Screen Shot 2018-01-28 at 18.21.28

This image in the poster has inspired me to recreate my own, I’ve ordered the props in hope to create the same message that I want to portray for the next draft.


First draft screening questions

Below are the questions I will be asking my peers/friends and family for feedback to help me improve my documentary

From this feedback I had received I’m aware that I need to make the editing much more professional and proficient. 

My overall improvements: 

  • Make all my cuts and transitions consistent – maybe do straight cuts and fade when introducing new scenes
  • Continuity issues- Close up of the hands need to match the actions in the scene
  • Waseem is a bit out of focus- Need to add a sharpen plug in 
  • Colour correction needed

Suggestions to improve:

  • Break the information up- add text facts, news headlines maybe even questions to break up the editing 

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